FAMIS is the electronic accounting system used by the Texas A&M University System. FAMIS Services at the System Headquarters maintains the software; however, they do not provide support for all FAMIS users. Instead, each TAMU system part has its own security and training support. The Division of Finance's Financial Management Services Department at Texas A&M University – College Station provides support for over 1,200 FAMIS users at the following TAMU System parts:
If you work for any of the TAMU System parts listed above, contact TAMU FAMIS Security at (979) 458-5555 for instructions if you need access to FAMIS.
If you are employed by any other campus, you will need to contact the Security Administrator for your campus.
Training Support Only:
The following modules are available in FAMIS. A module is simply a set of related screens.
The most commonly used module is the Financial Record System (FRS). Within FRS are the following modules:
Financial Accounting Module Departmental and/or Financial Management Operations staff may enter and view budgets, revenues, expenses, and journal entries. FAMIS makes it easy to inquire on account balances, monthly statements, and all transactions that have been posted to a department's account number. Accounts Payable Module FAMIS includes payment inquiry screens which allow you to tell vendors the status of payments for items that your department has purchased. Accounts Receivable Module Use this module if the department either charges or pays entities that are not part of Texas A&M University. These screens offer inquiry for transactions relating to billing and payment for goods or services rendered. For example, the Copy Center uses the accounts receivable screens to view charges for printing and copying for other System parts (i.e. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station). Purchasing Module The purchasing module allows departments to electronically create purchasing documents and to electronically route them to the appropriate people for approval. There are numerous purchasing inquiry screens to help you track the status of your purchases from the initial order and receipt, all the way to the payment. Payroll Module The payroll inquiry screens show information relating to payroll expense distribution. Many colleges limit payroll inquiry access. Budget Preparation Module Departments and Financial Management Operations utilize budget entry and inquiry screens to prepare the annual budget that TAMU submits to the board of regents.
The Fixed Asset (FFX) module meets all inventory needs. This module is especially handy for property managers who need to research inventory information.
The Sponsored Research (SPR) module meets grant and proposal needs. Only Contract Administration and Financial Management Operations receive access to SPR.
The Annual Financial Reporting (AFR) module meets state reporting needs. Only Financial Management Services receives access to AFR.
Examples of CANOPY UsesCANOPY is the web based portal of FAMIS. It takes the data in FAMIS and presents it in a clear, familiar Windows based format. Many of the same inquiry features available in FAMIS are also available in CANOPY.
EPA – Employee Personnel Action module is only available in CANOPY. This module allows departments to process hiring, transfer, promotion and personnel changes. EPA serves as a bridge between the Payroll system and the accounting system allowing payroll processing for the TAMU system.
FRS Inquiry and FFX Inquiry are also available in Canopy.
Perhaps the most popular module in CANOPY is the document routing module. CANOPY takes approximate 5 screens of data and allows department approvers or signers easy access to review and approve payment documents from anywhere in the world. Additionally, canopy provides users with an e-mail notification system for your document inbox. Canopy will automatically e-mail you when documents arrive at your inbox for your information, review or approval.
How do I get access to FAMIS?The training that you will be required to attend is determined by what you request on your UAR - User Access Request. If you have a mentor, then you will receive a deadline (normally two months) to complete all training before FAMIS Security will deny any entry access.
After you complete the Introduction to FAMIS course, FAMIS Security will contact you. At that time, they will advise you of your required training and give you a deadline.
If you do not complete all required training by your deadline, then FAMIS Security will deny your entry access for any courses that you missed until you attend. However, they will not deny your inquiry access. If you do not attend Disbursement Training by your deadline, then they will deny all entering, approving, and signing access until you attend disbursement training.
You may request your final deadline by contacting Access and Security at (979) 458-5555 or by emailing accesshelp@tamu.edu.
Documentation for BeginnersTitle | Description | Revision Date |
FAMIS Help Summary | Includes contact numbers, key strokes, and on-line help features. | 11/2000 |
On-line Help in FAMIS | This explains how to use the PF2, ? and * help in FAMIS. | 11/2000 |
Logging On and Quick Reference | Steps to logging on and off. For a step by step illustration with pictures see the FAMIS Services' Website. | 11/2000 |